In message <>, Lamar Owen writes:
> On Friday, February 04, 2011 09:05:09 am Derek J. Balling wrote:
> > I think they'll eventually notice a difference. How will an IPv4-only inter
> nal host know what to do with an IPv6 AAAA record it gets from a DNS lookup?
> If the CPE is doing DNS proxy (most do) then it can map the AAAA record to an
> A record it passes to the internal client, with an internal address for the 
> record chosen from RFC1918 space, and perform IPv4-IPv6 1:1 NAT from the assi
> gned RFC1918 address to the external IPv6 address from the AAAA record (since
> you have at least a /64 at your CPE, you can even use the RFC1918 address in
> the lower 32 bits.... :-P).  
> This may already be a standard, or a draft, or implemented somewhere; I don't
> know.  But that is how I would do it, just thinking off the top of my head.

DS-lite delivers a IPv4 softwire over a IPv6 upstream.  It also
introduces less problems than NAT64 as it works with DNSSEC and
with IPv4 literal.  Along with DS-lite there is a UPNP replacement
designed to work with distributed NATs (DS-Lite (AFTR+B4) and NAT444
(LSN + CPE NAT)) so that holes can be punched threw multiple devices
if needed.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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