In message <20110205150005.40621.qm...@joyce.lan>, John Levine writes:
> >and saying "by God, this Owen character is right, we're in breach of 
> >contract and his definition of the purity of Internet ports has so 
> >stunned us with its symmetry and loveliness that we shall bow down and 
> >sin no more!  Thank you Mr. DeLong from making the blind see again!"
> More likely "uh, oh, we've got a loony one here.  Maybe if I give him
> his ten bucks back, he'll go away."
> R's,
> John

I have told a hotel they need to install equipment that supports RA
guard as I've checked out.  This was a hotel that only offered IPv4.

Hotels ask for feedback on their services.  If you see a fault report
it in writing.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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