On Feb 6, 2011, at 9:49 AM, Roland Perry wrote:

> In article <20110205131510.be13e9b5...@drugs.dv.isc.org>, Mark Andrews 
> <ma...@isc.org> writes
>>> And when my vendor is Sipura, or Sony[1], how does an individual small
>>> enterprise attract their attention and get the features added?
>> You return the equipment as not suitable for the advertised purpose
>> and demand your money back.  Renumbering is expected to occur with
>> IPv6, part of renumbering is getting the name to address mappings
>> right.  With DHCP the DHCP server normally does it.  With SLAAC the
>> host has to do it as there is no other choice.
>> Here in Australia it is Repair/Replace/Refund if the product purchased
>> is faulty.  That applies to all products.  If the milk is off when
>> we get home we go back and get it replaced and if the store is out
>> of stock we get a refund.  I've returned and had replaced plenty
>> of stuff over the years.
> I think you are just confirming my view that moving from IPv4 to IPv6 will 
> involve more than the ISP doing some magic that's transparent to the majority 
> of users. And good luck returning a 3 year old PS/3 for a refund on the basis 
> it doesn't support IPv6.
> -- 
> Roland Perry

I'm pretty sure the PS3 will get resolved through a software update.

Yes, there will be user-visible disruptions in this transition.

No, it can't be 100% magic on the part of the service provider.

It still has to happen. There is no viable alternative.


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