On Feb 6, 2011, at 2:16 PM, David Conrad wrote:
> As you're aware, RFC 2050 was a group effort, so focusing on Jon's intent 
> seems questionable particularly given he sadly isn't around to provide 
> corrections.

While it may have been a group effort, Jon was the IANA.

> With regards to specific language, you reference section 2.1.1.  You'll note 
> that this is in a section talking about guidelines for how ISPs should deal 
> with address space.  It is saying ISPs should treat assignments to their 
> customers like loans. Section 2.1.3 is talking about two different things as 
> indicated by the terminology used.  The "future _allocations_ may be 
> impacted" is talking about allocations made from the RIR to the ISP.  The 
> "existing _loans_ may be impacted" is saying the RIR could ignore assignments 
> the ISP has made to its customers (making it a bit difficult for the ISP to 
> get new space).

Interesting viewpoint in separating the two, as the full context is:

"If the information is not available, future allocations may be impacted. 
 In extreme cases, existing loans may be impacted."

Your suggestion that "existing loans may be impacted" means to be ignored 
for evaluating future allocations does seems a bit superfluous when taken 
in full context, but obviously must be considered as you are one of the 
authors.  One wonders why it just doesn't repeat "future allocations may 
be impacted" for the second sentence.

Do you have any similar suggestions for how to reinterpret the transfer 
section, i.e. " The transfer of IP addresses from one party to another
must be approved by the regional registries." or "The party trying to 
obtain the IP address must meet the same criteria as if they were 
requesting an IP address directly from the IR." ?

> So, if you believe ARIN policy applies to all space, you're saying that ARIN 
> at one time violated the section of RFC 2050 you quoted and that later, ARIN 
> changed that policy.  This sort of policy evolution is exactly what was 
> envisioned when we wrote RFC 2050.  We assumed policies would change over 
> time, and as such RFC 2050 was merely documenting the current practice as it 
> was in 1996. This is why I always find your referencing 2050 as if it is 
> sacred text curious.

It's fairly difficult to have a consistent global registry framework
that the regional registries operate under unless its actually followed
by the regional registries.  What would have been best would have been
to separate the document into two; one for the overall Internet Registry 
requirements technically necessary, and then one with the current view
on appropriate allocation policy.  I wasn't there, so I can't say why
the two are combined.

In the particular instance you point out, I'm happy to say ARIN is back
in alignment with RFC 2050 as written.

> In thinking about this, since RFC 2050 was focused on IPv4 allocation policy 
> and there is no more IPv4 to allocate, 2050 should probably be moved to 
> historic.

It certainly would be worth considering revising to maintain the 
portions which are an inherent technical requirements from IAB/IETF
versus those which are a snapshot of registry policy at the time.
It also is interesting to consider which forum(s) such an activity 
should take place in, since it's clear that an overall framework 
is necessary for the system to keep working globally.


John Curran
President and CEO

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