On Monday, February 07, 2011 04:33:23 am Owen DeLong wrote:
> 1.    Scanning even an entire /64 at 1,000 pps will take 
> 18,446,744,073,709,551 seconds
>       which is 213,503,982,334 days or 584,542,000 years.
>       I would posit that since most networks cannot absorb a 1,000 pps attack 
> even without
>       the deleterious effect of incomplete ND on the router, no network has 
> yet had even
>       a complete /64 scanned. IPv6 simply hasn't been around that long.

Sounds like a job for a 600 million node botnet.  You don't think this hasn't 
already crossed botnet ops minds?

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