On Feb 22, 2011, at 3:14 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

>> There seems to be a position, taken by others on these lists, that
>> IPv6 is the only address family that matters.  Interestingly, this
>> position seems to be most pronounced from people not involved in
>> operating production networks.
> excuse me!

Hi, Randy.  I didn't mean to deny you exist; you apparently do. ;)  But in my 
sampling, operators with the opinion that 'IPv4 doesn't matter' represent the 
minority.  Of course, it also depends on how you define "doesn't matter".  I 
think that ongoing operation matters, especially when "ongoing" means a 
continued expectation of both existing and new customers.  It's easy to say, 
"burn the IPv4 bridge" so we're forced to migrate to IPv6.  But it's another 
thing to actually do it, when you're competing for customers that want IPv4 

That said, we're not forced to choose only one: IPv4 vs. IPv6.  We should 
migrate to IPv6 because it makes sense - IPv4 is going to become more expensive 
and painful (to use and support).  That doesn't preclude us from patching IPv4 
together long enough to cross the bridge first.



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