----- Original Message -----
> From: "Valdis Kletnieks" <valdis.kletni...@vt.edu>

> On Tue, 01 Mar 2011 23:55:16 CST, Frank Bulk said:
> > Are you saying that the large MSOs don't use CM configuration files
> > that create separate downstream and upstream service flows for Internet,
> > voice signaling, and voice bearer traffic?
> So the cable company carves out a protected flow for its own triple-play
> telephone, while third-party VoIP vendors have to contend on the Internet 
> flow?
> Why aren't the net-neutrality people busy having a cow over this?

Ok, see, Valdis; this was where I started this conversation, and -- I think
because I was merely using terms they didn't like for the objects involved --
everyone told me no, that wasn't what was really going on.

But it sure *sounds* like what I thought was going on, really is (ie: the
condition about which you inquire, above).

And it wouldn't be Net Neutrality: it would be common-carrier equal access.

I think.

-- jra

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