On Mar 7, 2011, at 10:47 PM, Jay Ashworth wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Joel Jaeggli" <joe...@bogus.com>
>> http://forums11.itrc.hp.com/service/forums/questionanswer.do?admit=109447626+1299558177753+28353475&threadId=1471451
>> As a potentially cautionary tale for the squatting on unused pieces of
>> address space either in your network or applications.
>> drive slow (and filter 22 outgoing to until you get new
>> firmware)
> (HP Blades apparently depended on rDNS for 49.48/16 failing hard, which 
> stopped happening when the block was allocated)

For those at home scratching their heads, I ran into this before too when 
trying to figure out why they were making in-addr.arpa requests over and over 

49 decimal in ASCII = "1"
48 decimal in ASCII = "0"
46 decimal in ASCII = "."
49 decimal in ASCII = "1"
or "10.1"

If you had a hard-coded IP address instead of a hostname for its management 
host, the logic to resolve the hostname would get confused and attempt to do a 
reverse-dns lookup of the first 4 characters of the ASCII representation of the 
hostname, and connect to that instead. So, if your management host was 
"" the first 4 characters were "10.1" which is if you smash 
the values of each character into a v4 address and try to grab a PTR record for 
it. If that lookup failed, it'd fall back to connecting to the IP correctly. 
Only after 49.48/16 was assigned and started giving out PTR records did this 
bug actually do anything.

It is attempting to SSH to the host at though, which is probably 

(the above is my own attempt at figuring out what was happening, but might not 
be 100% accurate)

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