
> On Tue, 28 Sep 2010, Venkatesh Sriram wrote:
>> While I have used MD5 with OSPFv2, I never used authentication with
>> OSPFv3 since IPsec is (a) not available on all platforms (or/and
>> requires a special license) and (b) requires too much of coordination
>> with other folks to bring it up. I know operators who use
>> authentication with ISIS for v6, but very little auth for
>> OSPFv3.Obviously, you'll find an equal number that enthusiastically
>> use auth with OSPFv3, so really there isnt any one right answer.
> Dear Sriram,
>        Can you list/name the platforms does not support IPsec for OSPFv3
> without special license? e.g. to avoid such a platform....
>        Best Regards,
>                Janos

Some platforms of Cisco for one.



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