On 03/25/2011 11:12 PM, Steven Bellovin wrote:
> On Mar 25, 2011, at 12:19 52PM, Akyol, Bora A wrote:
>> One could argue that you could try something like the facebook
>> model (or facebook itself). I can see it coming. Facebook web of
>> trust app ;-)
> Except, of course, for the fact that people tend to have hundreds of
> "friends", many of whom they don't know at all, and who achieved that
> status simply by asking.  You need a much stronger notion of
> interaction, to say nothing of what the malware in your "friends'"
> computers are doing to simulate such interaction.

Then again there are all the "friend us for a chance to win $prize"
gimmicks... not a far jump to "friend us, _with trust bits enabled_ for
a chance to win $prize"

Yeah sounds like a wonderful idea. :P

Joe Sniderman <joseph.snider...@thoroquel.org>

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