On Fri, 25 Mar 2011, Leo Bicknell wrote:

To that end, I think the US would be much better off with fiber to the home on a single distribution infrastructure. That could be owned and operated by the municipality (like the water system) or owned and operated by a corporation granted an exclusive right to service an area (think telephone, at least pre CLEC).


The layout of the old copper telephone layout is basically sound, you aggregate thousands of households via X length of cable into a single place, then you let anyone who wants to, rent space/power in there to put in their equipment and rent this fiber to the end user household/enterprise.

Do this with fiber to the home, and also provide rentable long haul fiber (to the next town etc) and rent out this infrastructure at decent pricepoint, you have a situation with a very low entry-cost for new players which is great for competition and in the long run, for the end customer.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se

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