On 4/11/11 10:47 PM, Matthew Petach wrote:

mpetach@opstools1:~>  telnet 25
Connected to static-host-219-90-94-56.tri.ph.
Escape character is '^]'.
ehlo yahoo.com
554 SMTP synchronization error
Connection closed by foreign host.

I imagine when port 25 stops giving 5xx
failure message back, mail reception
might improve.   ^_^;

Works fine for me, your getting an error because your trying to send a command before receiving the first 220, aka RFC violation. As long as you connect, wait a moment without trying to send a command, your fine.

telnet 25
Connected to static-host-219-90-94-56.tri.ph.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 stluke.com.ph ESMTP MailCleaner (Community Edition 2010 beta 3) Tue, 12 Apr 2011 12:51:38 +0800

My systems do it too if you try to send a command before waiting for the 220s to finish:

telnet mail.sosdg.org 25
Trying 2620:64:0:1::2...
Connected to mail.sosdg.org.
Escape character is '^]'.

554 SMTP synchronization error
Connection closed by foreign host.

Its an effective antispam method, because bots rarely bother to wait. They just blast away

Brielle Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group
http://www.sosdg.org    /     http://www.ahbl.org

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