Bill Stewart wrote:

Rotating shifts between daytime and nighttime is a horrible thing to
do to your workers, both for their health and their attention span.
Full-time night work isn't great, but rotating work is even worse.
Apes are generally diurnal, not nocturnal or crepuscular.   Shuffling
who has to work which days is annoying enough.

I spent several months working in a place with rotating shifts. One week 10pm to 7am, then the next week 2pm to 10pm then the week after 7am to 2pm and then repeat. I never understood why they were different lengths either. It was pretty grim and I'd much prefer to have had shifts change ever few months.

Some people claimed they'd have preferred it if we'd changed to the _following_ shift rater than the preceding shift each week but never having tried that I don't know how it would be.

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