On May 12, 2011, at 3:49 PM, George Bonser wrote:

>> In the RIPE region, being multihomed or planning to be it is not a
>> sufficient condition for getting a PI prefix.  And even if it was, the
>> hit on DFZ is the same as from getting allocation from LIR. Even if
>> they get their own /32, the hit would be the same (modulo individual
>> FIB/RIB implementations).
>> Consequently, there's work in progress to modernize RIPE IPv6 address
>> policy.
>> http://ripe62.ripe.net/presentations/148-wg.pdf p. 19 and forward.
>> Cheers,
>> Martin
> Martin,
> Possibly the hit might be the same, but possibly not.  An organization
> that requires a second /48 from their upstream might get one that can't
> be aggregated with the previous one.  It is my understanding that ARIN
> is attempting to structure their assignments so that if such growth
> occurs in PI space, it is likely (though not guaranteed) that the
> network will get a subsequent allocation that can be aggregated with the
> first.  
> George

Policy dictates that they reserve at least to the /44 for /48 assignments.


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