There was also "Planet Connect" years ago that delivered full Usenet (128K
worth) along with all my Fidonet BBS updates too .. I think I just dated
myself ;)

We still have an old Cidera system on a rooftop that nobody has taken down
yet ...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Lewis [] 
Sent: May-18-11 6:01 PM
To: Brielle Bruns
Subject: Re: Netflix Is Eating Up More Of North America's Bandwidth Than Any
Other Company

On Wed, 18 May 2011, Brielle Bruns wrote:

> If someone hadn't mentioned already, there used to be a usenet provider
> delivered a full feed via Satellite.  Anything is feasible, just have to
> people who actually want/need it and a provider that isn't blind to long
> benefits.

Skycache/Cidera...until it didn't fit anymore in the bandwidth they had. 
IIRC, it was only around 28mbps.

Also, IIRC, that "business" was a sort of after thought after their 
original plan (squid cache pre-population) didn't pan out.

Anyone want to buy some Skycache chopsticks?  I think I still have a few 
unopened sets from whichever late 90s ISPCon I went to in San Jose, 
CA...Skycache rented out some museum for a sushi party.

  Jon Lewis, MCP :)           |  I route
  Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
  Atlantic Net                |
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