On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 3:19 PM, Paul Stewart <p...@paulstewart.org> wrote:
> Or peer with HE and buy transit from Cogent (or someone on Cogent's friendly
> list) - this is where I think their strategy is going to go after a while
> with a lot of folks (if they have the option - that's the key).  HE will
> peer with anyone I believe - Cogent has much more stringent "tier1" rules on
> peering.

How divided is the table? I see about 98 routes transiting Cogent ASN
via a HE connection. Customer has only has HE as v6 upstream. An
previous post listed about a 1300 prefix difference. That's pretty
significant unless it's due to aggregation or something. I'd also be
interested to see the size of the other major carriers v6 tables so I
can patch a whole until the other upstream is ready.


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