On Jun 14, 2011, at 11:00 AM, Ray Soucy wrote:

> I think that's a market problem rather than a routing problem.  In the
> long term, If we had separation of L2 and L3 service providers there
> would be very, very few who need L3 redundancy; and that amount would
> be fine using BGP.
ROFLMAO... You're joking, right? Oh, you're serious... OK... I encourage
my competitors to try that.

> Metro Ethernet services are making it a bit easier to accomplish this;
> but every ISP wants you to use them for everything so it's still a
> challenge.

I would still want L3 redundancy and I can't imagine any of my clients
choosing to go with diverse L2 paths to the same L3 provider as a
valid complete solution for redundancy.

> I would really like to see L2 optical services being treated as a
> public utility; and you just purchase your L3 from any provider you
> want.  Prices would go down because we wouldn't be wasting money on
> building identical fiber paths, and bandwidth would go up.  Have a
> problem with your current ISP? The switch to a different one can be
> done with a phone call; you don't even need to have a technician sent
> out.

Agreed, but, that doesn't change the fact that L3 redundancy is still
a requirement for a growing (not shrinking) number of organizations.
That's not a market issue, that _IS_ a routing issue.

The good news on that front, however, is that if we get from o(10+) prefixes
per organization to o(2) prefixes per organization, we get a dramatically
smaller routing table with iPv6 fully deployed and can accommodate a
pretty hefty number of additional organizations in IPv6.

> Maine recently started the ground work for that by making a new class
> of Public Utility for Dark Fiber, but it doesn't allow them to light
> it up.
It's been done in Sweden and is being done in AU as well. I've been
advocating an independent monopoly LMI non-profit available to all
higher tier service providers on an equal basis for years. Glad to see
it's starting to finally catch on in a couple of places.


> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 1:48 PM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:
>> Actually, a vastly inferior solution, but, it does have the attraction of
>> being able to continue to ignore the need for scalable routing for several
>> more years.
>> In reality, we need to solve the scalable routing problem at some point
>> and having everyone jump into the IPv6 BGP world for multihoming
>> would be sustainable long enough for that problem to get solved if
>> resources were focused on it.
>> Owen
>> On Jun 14, 2011, at 10:04 AM, Ray Soucy wrote:
>>> Today you're probably correct.  If you want to have more than one
>>> provider reliably you pretty much need to be doing BGP; or have some
>>> sort of primary-backup setup to fail over from one to the other; or
>>> give each host a global address from each provider (really not
>>> desirable in the majority of networks).
>>> I think in the long term telling everyone to jump into the BGP table
>>> is not sustainable; and not operationally consistent with the majority
>>> of SMB networks.
>>> A better solution; and the one I think that will be adopted in the
>>> long term as soon as vendors come into the fold, is to swap out
>>> RFC1918 with ULA addressing, and swap out PAT with NPT; then use
>>> policy routing to handle load balancing and failover the way most
>>> "dual WAN" multifunction firewalls do today.
>>> Example:
>>> Each provider provides a 48-bit prefix;
>>> Internally you use a ULA prefix; and setup prefix translation so that
>>> the prefix gets swapped appropriately for each uplink interface.  This
>>> provides the benefits of "NAT" used today; without the drawback of
>>> having to do funky port rewriting and restricting incoming traffic to
>>> mapped assignments or UPnP.
>>> The firewall keeps track of if a connection is up or down and keeps
>>> policy routing up to date;
>>> You can choose to set it up to either load balance per-flow or as a
>>> primary and backup interface.
>>> You can handle DNS by using RFC 2136 updates for a sub-domain with a
>>> short TTL on a hosted server to keep names up to date in the event of
>>> a link drop.
>>> This doesn't require cooperation from the provider; it doesn't require
>>> knowledge of routing protocols; and it is easy to understand for
>>> people used to the "NAT" environment.
>>> Last time I checked, Linux still needs some work to handle ECMP
>>> routing for IPv6, but once that is in place; combined with patches for
>>> Network Prefix Translation (NPT), it should be trivial to implement.
>>> My guess is within the next year we'll see something pop up that does this.
>>> Ray
>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 8:48 PM, Owen DeLong <o...@delong.com> wrote:
>>>> The vastly better option is to obtain a prefix and ASN from ARIN and 
>>>> merely trade BGP with your
>>>> upstream providers.
>>>> Prefix translation comes with all the same disabilities that are present 
>>>> when you do this in IPv4.
>>>> In IPv4, everyone's software expects you to have a broken network (NAT) 
>>>> and there is lots of extra
>>>> code in all of the applications to work around this.
>>>> In iPv6, it is not unlikely that this code will eventually get removed and 
>>>> you will then have a high
>>>> level of application problems in your "prefix-translated" environment.
>>>> Owen
>>>> On Jun 12, 2011, at 11:46 AM, Randy Carpenter wrote:
>>>>> Prefix translation looks to be exactly what we need to do here. Thanks 
>>>>> for all of the replies.
>>>>> -Randy
>>>>> On Jun 12, 2011, at 2:42, Seth Mos <seth....@dds.nl> wrote:
>>>>>> Op 12 jun 2011, om 03:50 heeft Randy Carpenter het volgende geschreven:
>>>>>>> I have an interesting situation at a business that I am working on. We 
>>>>>>> currently have the office set up with redundant connections for their 
>>>>>>> mission critical servers and such, and also have a (cheap) cable modem 
>>>>>>> for general browsing on client machines.
>>>>>> So basically policy routing?
>>>>>>> The interesting part is that the client machines need to access some 
>>>>>>> customer networks via the main redundant network, so we have a firewall 
>>>>>>> set up to route those connections via the redundant connections, and 
>>>>>>> everything else via the cheaper, faster cable modem. NAT is used on 
>>>>>>> both outbound connections.
>>>>>> Yep that sounds like policy routing.
>>>>>>> With IPv6, we are having some trouble coming up with a way to do this. 
>>>>>>> Since there is no NAT, does anyone have any ideas as to how this could 
>>>>>>> be accomplished?
>>>>>> Sure there is NAT, you can use prefix translation to translate your 
>>>>>> Global Address Range from the redundant ISP to the Cable ISP Global 
>>>>>> address range when leaving that interface. I've run a similar setup with 
>>>>>> 3 independent ISPs with IPv6 netblocks.
>>>>>> Whichever connection the traffic went out it got the right GUA mapped 
>>>>>> onto it. Note that this is 1:1 NAT and not N:1.
>>>>>> In my case there was no primary GUA range, I used a ULA on the LAN side 
>>>>>> of things, and mapped the corresponding GUA onto it when leaving the 
>>>>>> network. I had 3 rules, 1 for each WAN and mapped the ULA/56 to the 
>>>>>> GUA/56.
>>>>>> In your case you already have a primary connection of sorts, so I'd 
>>>>>> suggest using that on the LAN side and only map the other GUA onto it 
>>>>>> when it leaves the other interfaces.
>>>>>> The policy routing rules on your firewall can make all the routing 
>>>>>> decissions for you.
>>>>>> If you search google for "IPv6 network prefix translation" there will be 
>>>>>> a firewall listed that can do this somewhere in the middle of the page.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Seth
>>> --
>>> Ray Soucy
>>> Epic Communications Specialist
>>> Phone: +1 (207) 561-3526
>>> Networkmaine, a Unit of the University of Maine System
>>> http://www.networkmaine.net/
> -- 
> Ray Soucy
> Epic Communications Specialist
> Phone: +1 (207) 561-3526
> Networkmaine, a Unit of the University of Maine System
> http://www.networkmaine.net/

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