On 11/08/2011, at 1:33 PM, Owen DeLong wrote:

> On Aug 10, 2011, at 7:45 PM, Mark Newton wrote:
>> On 11/08/2011, at 8:42 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
>>> I suppose that limiting enough households to too small an allocation
>>> will have that effect. I would rather we steer the internet deployment
>>> towards liberal enough allocations to avoid such disability for the
>>> future.
>> I see the lack of agreement on whether /48 or /56 or /60 is good for a
>> home network to be a positive thing.
>> As long as there's no firm consensus, router vendors will have to implement
>> features which don't make silly hard-coded assumptions.
> Yes and no. In terms of potential innovations, if enough of the market chooses
> /60, they will hard code the assumption that they cannot count on more than
> a /60 being available into their development process regardless of what
> gets into the router. Sure, they won't be able to assume you can't get a /48,
> but, they also won't necessarily implement features that would take advantage
> of a /48.

Abundance doesn't drive innovations.  Scarcity does.  IPv6 does not have a 
scarcity issue.  I assert that IPv6 addressing is not going to now or ever do 
anything particularly innovative that can't be done better at other, more 
relevant, layers.  

The time for arguing about arbitrary things that make no difference to the end 
customers has passed.  The navel gazing must cease and we must move forward on 
IPv6 to the home rather than continuing the confusion about this and other IPv6 
arbitrary bit obsession stuff.

We need to stop spending our time on rearranging the Titanic's deckchairs and 
get the <profanity> on with stopping the crashing into the iceberg by providing 
clear leadership on getting IPv6 to the masses to enable their APPLICATIONS and 
EXPERIENCE without the impending doom of IPv4 CGN.

My name is Matthew, I HAVE given my customers the ability to get IPv6 and I 
don't give a flying one about the prefix length, I care about getting ANY 
prefix to the end users so they can use it and solve the issues at their end.  
I AM enabling innovation just by doing that.  


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