On 08/13/2011 01:20 AM, Jari Arkko wrote:
> 13.8.2011 3:18, Charles N Wyble kirjoitti:
>> All,
>> Related to my thread about home data centers, what are folks using to
>> store compute gear in?
>> Mine sits in two racks in my second bedroom. Cooled by ambient AC.
> Mine sits in a small room / closet under the stairs, in an on-purpose
> built for this. But it is a little cramped with the current amount of
> equipment I have.

I can imagine!
> I do not believe there are any standards applicable to this, though
> I've sometimes wondered if someone should write a guideline document
> for recommendations concerning what kind of setup makes sense from a
> long term perspective. Cat6, tubing to be able to replace even those,
> enough space & ventilation for the equipment, power, etc. I chose to
> put my IT equipment in a different utility room than the
> electrical/heating/etc equipment. In most new houses the two are in
> the same room.


> Here's some more information on what i did & some pictures:
> http://www.arkko.com/rakennusprojekti/kotiverkko.jpg
> <http://www.arkko.com/rakennusprojekti/networkdesign.html>
> http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.74638548291.75895.702428291&l=940df4dde9&type=1
> <http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.74638548291.75895.702428291&l=940df4dde9&type=1>http://www.arkko.com/rakennusprojekti/networkdesign.html

Amazing stuff!

Thank you for such incredible detail and sharing. Much appreciated.

My documentation leaves something to be desired. It's being reworked
into a living system so I don't have to constantly update it.

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