On Aug 13, 2011, at 6:58 PM, chris wrote:

> What plan are you using? My htc thunderbolt has unlimited 4g on the phone
> and for my hotspot so I'd imagine there is something similar for standalone
> hardware?
> chris

Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile have all dropped their unlimited plans. If you're on 
one now, you're grandfathered in, but they are no longer orderable. Sprint is 
the only major carrier left with unlimited data you can order. If you want 
purely data only, Clear.com also has unlimited plans, but only within their 

The next closest thing is U.S. Cellular, if you're in their area. They have a 
5GB cap, with $0.25/MB overage, but the overage(even when roaming) is capped at 
$200/mo.  If you really want to use it as unlimited, you can basically treat it 
as an unlimited connection for ~$250/mo.

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