On Aug 15, 2011 2:15 PM, "Tim Wilde" <twi...@cymru.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 8/15/2011 2:24 AM, Owen DeLong wrote:
> > What does it say that the same thing happens in IPv4?
> >
> > I really don't see a significant difference in that regard.
> I will admit to not having run the numbers and trying to compare IPv4
> protocol-specific discussion threads vs. IPv6, but it certainly "feels"
> like there are more.  My feeling is also that the IPv6 discussions are
> much more fundamental, in that they're discussing basic deployment
> strategies, etc.  But it could all be selection bias because it's
> prominent in the collective mindset, I'll grant you that.

Yes, selection bias. There are some people who like to talk about basic
things, state their opinions as facts, and email a lot.

I keep trying to come up with a religion analogy, but none are just quite
right. Did Copernicus hang around at the Vatican to talk about Heliocentrism

> > Yes, IPv6 is currently a little less fully baked than IPv4. IPv4 is
> > 20 years older than IPv6, so I say that's to be somewhat expected.
> Point taken.  Anyone have time to try to do a long-term comparative
> study of discussions on deployment strategies and things like NAT, DHCP,
> etc, for IPv4 vs. IPv6, factoring in the differing levels of overall
> Internet adoption at the time of IPv4 adoption vs. IPv6, etc?  If so, I
> have a few other tasks I'd love to have you do... :)
> As others have said, I guess what it really shows is that nothing ever
> really changes, and no one (protocol designers, IETF folks, operators,
> router vendors, etc) is perfect, despite our best efforts to be. :)
> Regards,
> Tim
> - --
> Tim Wilde, Senior Software Engineer, Team Cymru, Inc.
> twi...@cymru.com | +1-630-230-5433 | http://www.team-cymru.org/
> iEYEARECAAYFAk5JjEYACgkQluRbRini9thaIwCggaprPoquYDvQ3b4Pp53qfe43
> KlAAoIWjjr5ItnWdMcIOW7Fc9rvbPRfw
> =M9lE

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