On 9/7/2011 3:24 PM, Seth Mos wrote:
I think you have the numbers off, he started with 1000 users sharing the same IP, since 
you can only do 62k sessions or so and with a "normal" timeout on those 
sessions you ran into issues quickly.

Remember that a TCP session is defined not just by the port, but by the combination of source address:source port:destination address:destination port. So that's 62k sessions *per destination* per ip address. In theory, this particular performance problem should only arise when the NAT gear insists on a unique port per session (which is common, but unnecessary) or when a particular destination is inordinately popular; the latter problem could be addressed by increasing the number of addresses that facebook.com and google.com resolve to.

I'm not advocating CGN; my point is not that this problem *should* be solved, merely that it *can* be.


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