On Tue, Sep 13, 2011 at 11:55 PM, Ted Cooper
<ml-nanog0903...@elcsplace.com> wrote:
> As claimed by the DigiNotar hacker - He compromised their servers but
> Eddy was manually approving certs at the time and so no certs were signed.
> There was information about it on the site, but it seems to be gone now.
> Articles still show a screenshot of the message you're talking about [1]
> , but the site was back alive in July when I needed a certificate.
> "A separate notice on another part of the company's site says that its
> services would be unavailable until June 20, " [2]
> I've certainly been able to issue certificates for myself since then.

indeed, cool! I was able to have a site cert issued lastnight as well.
This is (for me) good news :)


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