I would probably limit this to simply identifying rogue prefixes [such as
those prefixes - and there are some - owned entirely by criminal spammers,
botnet C&Cs etc]

[let us not get into a discussion on listing criteria or what constitutes
criminal spam just now, there's a whole lot of such discussion and even a
decent RFC draft]

On Mon, Sep 26, 2011 at 10:41 AM, Manish Karir <mka...@merit.edu> wrote:

> On Sep 25, 2011, at 11:31 PM, Tom Vest wrote:
> >
> > On Sep 25, 2011, at 9:23 PM, Manish Karir wrote:
> >
> >> On Sep 25, 2011, at 6:31 PM, nanog-requ...@nanog.org wrote:
> >>
> >>> Message: 9
> >>> Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 18:37:17 +0300
> >>> From: Gadi Evron <g...@linuxbox.org>
> >>> To: nanog@nanog.org
> >>> Subject: "general badness" AS-based reputation system
> >>> Message-ID: <4e7f4aad.8020...@linuxbox.org>
> >>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> >>>
> >>> Having run one of these in the past, when take-downs of C&Cs was still
> >>> semi-useful, my ethos on this is problematic, however, I am as of yet
> >>> undecided as to this one. An AS-based reputation system for all sorts
> of
> >>> badness:
> >>>
> >>> http://bgpranking.circl.lu/
> >>>
> >>> In my opinion, third-party security based AS-reputation systems will
> >>> eventually become de-facto border filtering systems for ISPs, but that
> >>> day is still not here, as that is still socially unacceptable in our
> >>> circles, and will remain so until it becomes _necessary_.
> >>>
> >>> Regardless of my musings of Operators World cultural future, this
> >>> systems seems rather interesting, and no doubt you'd want to take a
> look
> >>> at your listing.
> >>>
> >>> Gadi.
> >>
> >> We tried to outline some of the challenges of building such a system in
> our NANOG52 presentation:
> >>
> >>
> http://www.merit.edu/networkresearch/papers/pdf/2011/NANOG52_reputation-nanog.pdf
> >>
> >> In particular see slide 4. where we tried to lay down what we think the
> requirements are for a socially acceptable
> >> reputation system.
> >>
> >> With a bit of luck we might be able to announce the release of our
> system before the next NANOG mtg, but in
> >> my opinion collating host reputation reports is just a small and the
> easiest part of the effort.  The key is in
> >> solving the challenges of allowing (and incentivizing) participation and
> being robust to false information
> >> injection.
> >>
> >> Comments are welcome.
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >> -manish
> >
> > Hi Manish,
> >
> > Looks like very interesting work.
> >
> > Does the system that you'll be announcing provide some means of coming to
> terms with challenges like the following?
> >
> > 1. Many large operators administer multiple ASNs, but some of the
> resulting AS sibling relationships may not be identifiable as such based on
> public-facing whois records, or interconnection relationships, or any other
> public data sources. Does your system incorporate some means of attributing
> reputation-related information at the (multi-AS) institutional level -- even
> when the contours of such institutions are not self-evident?
> >
> > 2. Some members of the ARIN community have recently floated a policy
> proposal which if approved would make ASNs transferable, and some supporters
> of that proposal have argued that RIR involvement in such transfers should
> be strictly limited to the passive recording of whatever information is
> voluntarily disclosed by the transacting parties, if and when a disclosure
> is made. Does your system ascribe reputation "strictly" to specific ASNs,
> such that declared changes in an ASN's "ownership"/control would not affect
> that ASNs accumulated reputation record to-date? Alternately, if declared
> changes to an ASN's ownership would affect (e.g., restart) an ASN's
> reputation history, will your system incorporate some mechanism for
> assessing the material/operational "substance" of ASN re-registration events
> (e.g., to filter for possible "re-registrations of convenience")?
> >
> > I like to ask these sort of questions (for any/all proposed systems like
> this) because it seems to me that any system that associates increasing
> value with a cumulative record of consistent "approved" behavior over time
> must take extra care not to provide *asymmetrical* opportunities (i.e., to
> some but not all participants) to isolate and sanitize their own
> "disapproved" behavior, thereby leaving their longstanding (favorable)
> reputations intact.
> >
> > Note that this problem is *not* reducible to the idea that a reputation
> system must be absolutely infallible. Obviously it is not reasonable to
> demand something that is impossible to deliver. However, it is altogether
> reasonable to demand that any system that is intentionally designed to
> produce a new, endogenously-driven reputation-based hierarchy of operational
> entities does something more than just recreate and reinforce pre-existing
> hierarchies that are completely orthogonal to "reputation."
> >
> > Look forward to hearing more!
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > TV
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> Hi Tom,
> At what granularity reputation is useful is an excellent question.
>  Obviously we already have lots of single data source based host reputation
> sources.
> Other possible aggregations are prefixes, ASNs, and as you suggest
> organizations (which might be multi-ASN).  Another extreme possible
> aggregation is country.
> In my opinion BGP prefix is the right level of aggregation up to be
> actually useful rather than narrow host reputation lists.  You might expect
> hosts in a
> prefix to be under the same security policy regime and hence have similar
> likelihood of future malicious behavior so this approach would be more
> useful than host reputation which is entirely reactive and ASN reputation
> which
> does'nt allow for different parts of an organization which might run their
> networks with different policies.
> In our system an ASN's reputation at any given time is based on aggregating
> up the reputation of all the prefixes originated by that ASN.  Therefore it
> does
> not really have a reputation that exists independently of its component
> prefixes.  If an ASN were to be transferred we would simply recompute the
> current reputation to be based on the new set of prefixes it is
> originating.
> For prefix reputation you would want to track it on a historical basis with
> the assumption that it is quite unlikely that a prefixes reputation will
> undergo a sudden change and therefore tracking historical data would be
> useful.  We do not do this right now, but this is not a solved problem yet
> ;)
> -manish

Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.li...@gmail.com)

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