On 3 okt 2011, at 16:30, Todd Underwood wrote:

> ignoring randy (and others) off-topic comments about hypocrisy, this
> situation is fundamentally a situation of bad (or different) network
> policy being applied outside of its scope.  i would prefer that china
> not censor the internet, sure.  but i really require that china not
> censor *my* internet when i'm not in china.

Most if not all European operators today force rewrite or blocking of DNS 
lookups. Belgium added a fairly large site today. There is virtually no way 
that this can be contained just inside a country. This problem is waaaay beyond 
root-servers, China etc. Filtering on the net is becoming common, and was 
pushed quite hard for at Interent Governance Forum last week. By Interpol and 

Best regards,

- kurtis -

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