----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lorell Hathcock" <lor...@hathcock.org>

> I am experiencing trouble with reaching right now from my
> netblock. ASN 23077.
> Is it just me or are others experiencing the same thing?

Well, it's presently reachable from Tampa:

HOST: elphaba.baylink.com         Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
  1.|--                0.0%    10    1.4   1.4   1.3   1.6   0.1
  2.|--             0.0%    10    2.2   2.0   1.7   2.5   0.3
  3.|-- gi2-4.border4.esnet.com    0.0%    10    1.7   2.0   1.7   2.6   0.4
  4.|-- ge-6-20.car4.Tampa1.Level  0.0%    10    2.0   1.8   1.7   2.0   0.1
  5.|-- ae-24-24.car2.Tampa1.Leve  0.0%    10   28.5  45.0   1.9 120.9  46.7
  6.|-- ae-2-7.bar2.Tampa1.Level3  0.0%    10    1.9   2.0   1.9   2.5   0.2
  7.|-- ae-12-12.ebr1.Dallas1.Lev  0.0%    10   25.8  25.8  25.5  26.7   0.4
  8.|-- ae-91-91.csw4.Dallas1.Lev  0.0%    10   25.6  26.8  25.5  31.9   2.1
  9.|-- ae-41-90.car1.Dallas1.Lev  0.0%    10   25.9  88.8  25.7 225.9  79.9
 10.|-- vnsc-bak.sys.gtei.net      0.0%    10   26.1  26.1  25.6  27.2   0.6

But understand that all 6 of GTEI's anycast customer resolver nameservers
are really intended for customers of whatever tha company is called these
days, and they've been known to block ingress to various ones of them at
random times, just to make sure we remember that.

That said, they do have some of the coolest, most easily memorable IPv4
addresses on the net...

-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink                       j...@baylink.com
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates     http://baylink.pitas.com         2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA      http://photo.imageinc.us             +1 727 647 1274

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