deric, you really ought to hire a consultant for this sort of thing...
just sayin!

On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 9:49 PM, Deric Kwok <> wrote:
> Hi
> Our upstream provider said that destination network is blocking our ip.
> Now my question is how we can know it

you can't really, if they do things right. (Aside from just not getting there)

> If this network is blocking us, the traceroute should reach out our
> bgp router to go further nodes before that network, right

presumably, unless the destination is a direct peer.

> 2nd question is how they block us to not allow the route to advertise
> from our upstream to our bgp router.

probably they just don't accept your route... why do you think your
route isn't propogated beyond your border(s)?

> ls it possible?
> Thank you so much
> On Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Patrick Sumby
> <> wrote:
>> If your provider has a looking glass then that is a good start to see if
>> they have the route in their routing tables. is a
>> good start for searching for a looking glass on their website.
>> Have you checked to see if you're actually recieving the route? You may be
>> getting the route but not installing it into your routing table for some
>> reason (eg invalid next hop or a router from another provider is being
>> prefered). Do you have prefix lists inbound from your provider that could be
>> blocking a route?
>> show ip route X.X.X.X
>> and
>> show ip bgp route X.X.X.X
>> will give different information.
>> If you've covered the above and not found the answer then try talking to
>> your provider.
>> Regards
>> Patrick
>> On 25/10/2011 13:26, Deric Kwok wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> When we try to reach to outside ip, this route doesn't have in our bgp
>>> router
>>> How can we check whether it doesn't advertise from our upstream to us?
>>> Any web site and tools can help?
>>> Thank you

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