On Nov 9, 2011, at 10:56 AM, Leo Bicknell wrote:

> 2) The process followed to get here is totally broken.  Bill hit
>   the nail on the head, and it's archived on ARIN's web site:
>   Text in Sep: 
> http://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-ppml/2011-September/023170.html
>   Text in Oct: 
> http://lists.arin.net/pipermail/arin-ppml/2011-October/023362.html
>   Near as I can tell the feedback in the October meeting made the
>   AC want to do a _total rewrite of the entire policy_, which they
>   turned around in under a week and shoved directly into the last
>   call process.

Leo - 

  To be clear, the ARIN Advisory Council (ARIN AC) is definitely following 
  the current ARIN policy development process.  If they weren't, I would be 
  obligated to directly intervene.
  It is true that the present Policy Development process allows the AC ample 
  latitude in changing the policy proposals, with the requirement that if the 
  Advisory Council sends a draft policy to last call that is different from 
  the one presented at the public policy meeting, then the Advisory Council 
  will provide an explanation for all changes made to the text.

  My message to NANOG was to encourage folks to speak out on the PPML mailing
  list regarding their thoughts on the draft policy, as that is the forum 
  where the input will have the most impact.  I will note that ARIN also just
  completed an open consultation on a revised Policy Development Process, and
  while it has closed, I will take directly any suggestions that you have for
  changes to that process that you feel are necessary.


John Curran
President and CEO

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