Hello List,

As a pfSense developer I recently ran into a test system that (actually)
gets a IPv6 prefix from it's ISP. (Hurrah).

What is bewildering to me is that each time the system establishes a new
PPPoE session to the ISP they assign a different IPv6 prefix via
delegation together with a differing IPv4 address for the WAN.

Is this going to be forward for other consumer ISPs in the world?

One of the thoughts that came to mind is T-Online in Germany that still
disconnects it's (PPPoE) user base every 24 hours for a new random IP.

Short of setting really short timers on the RA messages for the LAN I
can see a multitude of complications for consumers in the long run.

People that configure their NAS, Media Player and Printer on their own
network. And using ULA for either is not workable unless they somehow
manage to grow DNS skill on the end user. Their NAS probably wants to
download from the 'net and access videos from the NAS. The media player
wants to be able to access youtube and the laptop needs to (reliably)
find it's printer each time.

I really hope that ISPs will commit to assigning the same prefix to the
same user on each successive connection.

Here is to hoping.

Kind regards,


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