This is a huge point. We've had a LOT of trouble finding good network
engineers who have all of the previously mentioned "soft" attributes -
attitude, team player, can write, can speak, can run a small project - and
are more than just Cisco pimps. I cannot explain how frustrating it is to
meet a newly minted CCNP who has zero Linux experience, can't script
anything, can't setup a syslog server, doesn't understand AD much less
LDAP, etc. Imagine, an employee who can help themselves 90% of the time ...

Finding the diamond that has strong niche skill, networking, with a broad &
just-deep-enough sysadmin background has been very, very hard. I cannot
emphasize enough the importance of cross-training. Immensely valuable.


On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 4:39 PM, Bill Stewart <> wrote:

>  And yeah, sometimes it means that you need to go
> learn technologies like Active Directory

> In addition to learning scripting languages

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