On 22 December 2011 14:07, Jon Lewis <jle...@lewis.org> wrote:

> Presumably, Barracuda's hardware is i386/i686 compatible commodity parts.
> It's probably not at all "useless".  Just attach a USB DVD drive or USB
> flash drive, wipe the disk(s) and install your favorite Linux distro.
> It may take some doing to get all/most of the features Barracuda provides
> setup on your own...but if you don't have the time/expertise to do it,
> that's why companies like Barracuda exist.
The hardware Barracuda charges you a very pretty penny for is very low end.
$3000 or so that they charge for a mid-level spam filters gets you a single
power supply, single hard disk, and a low end processor.

According to their site it does appear they offer the product as VM image.
This would eliminate the stupid hardware markup and their attempt at
backdating updates.

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