On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 11:46:24AM -0500, Christopher Morrow wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:38 PM, Shumon Huque <shu...@isc.upenn.edu> wrote:
> >
> > I heard that it initially had AAAA records. After the site
> > couldn't keep up with the initial load, it was migrated to
> > Akamai's CDN (the DNS records you see now are those), and
> > Akamai doesn't yet offer IPv6 in production, so no IPv6.
> there are places in this world with working v6 at scale.... the folk
> involved COULD use them.
> (I thought, actually, that akamai's v6 offering was actually
> production, just not wide-spread?)

Not sure - our Akamai support people have so far not told us
that it's production ready (we ask periodically; maybe we aren't
talking to the right people). And thus far, they haven't 
permitted us to point the www.upenn.edu AAAA record to Akamai.
A non production name (ipv6.upenn.edu) mirroring the same
content does have a AAAA to Akamai though.

But, checking www.worldipv6launch.org just now shows that it
have IPv6 records now:

;www.worldipv6launch.org.       IN      AAAA

www.worldipv6launch.org. 297    IN      CNAME   
www.worldipv6launch.org.edgesuite.net. 6167 IN CNAME a1448.dscb.akamai.net.
a1448.dscb.akamai.net.  20      IN      AAAA    2001:590:1:400::451f:4859
a1448.dscb.akamai.net.  20      IN      AAAA    2001:590:1:400::451f:4868

Shumon Huque
University of Pennsylvania.

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