
>> If you keep two or more links, keep them alive, and let them
>> know their IP addresses each other, which can be coordinated
>> by mobile hosts as the ends, links can cooperate to avoid
>> broken links for a lot faster recovery than 0.05s.
> May work for detecting a dead access point in a wireless mesh,

That's not my point. My point is to avoid dead links.

Base stations try sending packets to a MH and if it fails
a few times, they forward the packet to other base stations
which may have live links to the MH.

> but
> it doesn't scale to WAN sized connections.

Regardless of whether links are wireless or wired, the
coordination is necessary only within (small number of)
links to which MH, the end, is attached, which means the
coordination is a local coordination if coordinated by
the end.

There is no WAN involved for the coordination.

> Consider the case where one endpoint is in Austria, the other is in
> and the node handling the mobility is in Japan.  Now a router fails in
> Seattle.  How long will it take for the endpoints to notice?


> (Alternatively, explain how you locate a suitable home base node

No home agent is involved for the recovery.

                                                Masataka Ohta

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