Apparently they support quad-A glues if you phone them and ask for them.

Personally, I run my own DNS servers, but sometimes it's not an option.
My friend, who originally had this issue, is in a different business
line, he is not proficient in DNS server operation, and thus he's
comfortable hosting his DNS somewhere.

He spent one hour on the phone this morning with Netsol to see if he
could create a subdomain pointing to a DNS server I operate. It was also
a no-go, he got fed up with them and is changing registrars.

Thanks for all the input.



On 3/29/12 1:47 PM, Tim Franklin wrote:
>> Not to sound like I am trolling here, but how hard is
>> it get VPS servers or some EC2 servers and setup your
>> own DNS servers. Are there use cases where that is not
>> practical?
> Aren't we talking about NetSol as a *registrar* and inserting quad-A glue?  
> Or did I miss the original intention?
> Regards,
> Tim.

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