On Wed, Apr 04, 2012 at 01:55:46PM -0700, Landon Stewart wrote:
> On 4 April 2012 12:53, Chris Conn <cc...@b2b2c.ca> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Is anyone from SORBS still listening?   We have a few IP addresses here
> > and there that are listed, one in particular that has been for a spam
> > incident from over a year ago.  The "last spam" date is 03/05/2011
> > according to their lookup tools.
> >
> > We don't have access to their Net Manager even if our ARIN POC corresponds
> > to the account on their system we opened a while ago.  We use their ISP
> > feedback form and never get any responses back.
> >
> > Is SORBS still relevant and functional?
> >
> I've been trying to login to their 'support' interface for a while now.
>  Emails from them for creating a new account or trying to recover a
> password for an existing account don't actually come to me.  I actually
> wrote Girish from the company that purchased SORBS (Proofpoint) about it
> (also CC'd here) and I have had no reply whatsoever either.
> I think we should all just NULL ROUTE all of their IP space on our borders
> to get their attention.

By a happy coincidence, I got mail today from Scott Greco of Proofpoint,
asking if we could get together to discuss their products. I've replied
to that with a summary of this thread, and am Cc:ing him on this mail, as
well. Maybe we can get their attention, though past experience with SORBS
does not exactly imbue me with confidence.

Mike Andrews, W5EGO
Tired old sysadmin 

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