On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 23:39:46 +0530, Anurag Bhatia said:

More a host config issue than a NANOG issue, but what the heck...

> I wonder if anyone else also had similar issues? Also, if my guesses are
> correct then how can we disable Red Hat distro oriented servers from taking
> such automated configuration - simple DHCP in IPv6 disable?

The *right* answer is, of course, to hurry up and deploy proper IPv6.

It sounds like the distro is shipping some apps that don't do happy-eyeballs 
yet - you
probably want to file bug reports about that.

(It's easy enough to disable IPv6 if you haven't deployed it - in
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface>  add:


then ifdown/ifup the interface and you should be good to go.  Make sure you
remember to take that line out when you get around to deploying IPv6.

(The difference between this and Matthew Huff's suggestion is that this way,
it disables IPv6 on the interface, and leaves the ::1 loopback address in 

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