Anurag Bhatia wrote:
I have been using Zenoss quite a bit. It does not shows exact real time stat of interface but close to real time + it has ton more options for
I remember someone here saying that real time monitoring gives you useless results, because if you make the time of measurement small enough the utilisation becomes 100%. Measurement of throughput is how many times this happens during a particular time interval. I hope I remembered right. Reminds me of "Moreover he argued that movement was impossible because it requires moving into "the void", and Parmenides identified "the void" with nothing, and therefore (by definition) it does not exist. That which does exist is The Parmenidean One, which is timeless, uniform, and unchanging" -- Earthquake Magnitude: 3.3 Date: Friday, May 4, 2012 05:16:08 UTC Location: Island of Hawaii, Hawaii Latitude: 19.4332; Longitude: -155.2877 Depth: 2.40 km