On 6/1/2012 12:21, Jared Mauch wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 11:06:24AM -0700, Seth Mattinen wrote:
>> On 6/1/12 7:04 AM, Brzozowski, John wrote:
>>> Jimmy,
>>> Trust me, I work for Comcast and run the IPv6 program.  This has been the
>>> case for nearly 7 years.  We can take some of the items below off list.
>>> We have launched IPv6 for residential broadband at this time.  Commercial
>>> DOCSIS support is later this year.
>>> We can do two things.  Get you a residential trial kit so you can have
>>> IPv6 for W6L and make sure I have your information for when we start
>>> trials for commercial DOCSIS support for IPv6.
>> Forgive me if this is a stupid question since I've never been a cable
>> guy, but what's physical difference between residential and commercial coax?
>       Usually these are terminated on a different CMTS and may use different
> frequencies allocated.
>       From a business side, there is a higher SLA afforded to the users,
> including phone notification of planned outages, etc that would happen.
>       - Jared
Ah I didn't know they even used separate CMTS for the biz customers. 

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