On Jun 4, 2012, at 10:07 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:

> On 4 Jun 2012, at 06:36, Masataka Ohta <mo...@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp> 
> wrote:
>> Jeroen Massar wrote:
>>>>> So IPv6 fixes the fragmentation and MTU issues of IPv4 by how exactly?
>>>> Completely wrongly.
>>> Got a better solution? ;)
>> IPv4 without PMTUD, of course.
> We are (afaik) discussing IPv6 in this thread, I assume you typo'd here ;)

He is comparing & contrasting with the behavior of IPv4 v IPv6.

If your PMTU is broken for v4 because people do wholesale blocks of ICMP, there 
is a chance they will have the same problem with wholesale blocks of ICMPv6 

The interesting thing about IPv6 is it's "just close enough" to IPv4 in many 
ways that people don't realize all the technical details.  People are still 
getting it wrong with IPv4 today, they will repeat their same mistakes in IPv6 
as well.


I've observed that if you avoid providers that rely upon tunnels, you can 
sometimes observe significant performance improvements in IPv6 nitrates.  Those 
that are tunneling are likely to take a software path at one end, whereas 
native (or native-like/6PE) tends to not see this behavior.  Those doing native 
tend to have more experience debugging it as well as they already committed 
business resources to it.

- Jared

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