On Wed, 06 Jun 2012 14:53:02 +0100, Anton Smith said:

> Potentially silly question but, as Bill points out a LAN always occupies a 
> /64.
> Does this imply that we would have large L2 segments with a large
> number of hosts on them? What about the age old discussion about
> keeping broadcast segments small?
> Or, will it be that a /64 will only typically have a similar number of
> hosts in it as say, a /23|4 in the IPv4 world?

We simply allocated a v6 /64 for each v4 /21, /22, /23, /2whatever in our 
Works fine.  No more "what the fsck is the subnet in THIS building?" issues. 
how often we find hosts that are in one building but misconfig'ed because the 
put in the netmask for the building his office is in, not the building the 
server is in. When
there's 125+ buildings on the campus, this matters. ;)

As somebody else mentioned, the limiting factor is "How much ND/ARP traffic are
you willing to tolerate in one broadcast domain?".

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