On June 10, 2012 at 19:47 apishd...@gmail.com (Ameen Pishdadi) wrote:
>Don't know if someone already posted this but there forcing people
>the reset there passwords, but it let's you reset it to the same
>password as before... How many people are going to use the same pass?
>I'd say a good portion, LinkedIn needs some new isec employees

It's only Linkedin not bank accounts -- not that most people's bank
accounts are much to worry about either :-)

But what's dumb is that what they're asking for with that policy is a
big headache for themselves when accounts get messed up, whatever
pranksterism or nefarious deed, I dunno, spamming from someone's
cracked acct is a good example, and Linkedin's staff has to deal with
each and every one.

Maybe they lack imagination as to what they might be getting
themselves into.

        -Barry Shein

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