On 13/06/12 5:17 AM, Astro Dog wrote:
(Sorry for the top post. Mail client is being obnoxious.)

  Why? The prevalence of malware for a given OS is going to, generally, be a 
matter of most return for least work.
  If you're writing malware to steal credit card numbers, say, you're much 
better served writing it for Windows than you are OSX or Linux,

Really? I'm positive that there are far more credit card numbers stored on various flavors of *nix systems (web servers) than windows systems. And you only have to crack one to get a plethora of credit card numbers.

If both flavors were equally easy to exploit, according to your theory above we would see more exploits on the *nix servers. Yet server-side exploits are seen on Windows servers far more often than *nix servers, despite the fact that more web pages are served by *nix servers than Windows servers.

I'm really surprised to see this "Windows is more popular, that's why it's exploited more often" misinformation being spewed on a technical list like NANOG. I thought people here had more clue.


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