On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 08:40:02 +0900, Masataka Ohta said:
> Owen DeLong wrote:

> > What if my ISP just routes my /48? Seems to work quite well,
> > actually.
> Unlike IPv4 with natural boundary of /24, routing table
> explosion of IPv6 is a serious scalability problem.

Do you have any *realistic* and *actual* reason to suspect that the IPv6
routing table will "explode" any further than the IPv4 has already? Hint -
Owen's /48 will just get aggregated and announced just like the cable companies
*already* aggregate all those /20s of customer /32s. Unless Owen multihomes - at
which point he's a new entry in the v6 routing tables - but *also* almost
certainly a new entry in the v4 routing table.  Routing table size depends on
the number of AS's, not the amount of address space the routes cover.

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