On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Chris Grundemann <cgrundem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am currently working on a BCOP for IPv6 Peering and Transit and
> would very much appreciate some expert information on why using
> PeeringDB is a best practice (or why its not). All opinions are
> welcome, but be aware that I plan on using the responses to enhance
> the document, which will be made publicly available as one of several
> (and hopefully many more) BCOPs published at http://www.ipbcop.org/.

It's a nice resource for finding out which networks are in which facilities.

As someone seeking out and setting up peering sessions, it's useful to
be able to search out networks that also have a couple common POPs, so
that one can call or email them and ask about potential

It's certain cut down on emails that are just requests for information
("Where do you have sites? We're in these metros...", "Looks like we'd
be good potential peers, what's your policy like?").

Overall -- I really like it!


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