I think RING project NLNOG has potential to help your effort.
At least they have location in tokyo.

And I talked with Seichi Kawamura who is leader of JANOG about method of 
quality verification among the world wide.
They are using host of Softlayer, amazon and OVH which could select the 

Job and Mucho ccing.


(2012/08/03 2:59), Micah Anderson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm sitting on what is advertised as a 100mbit/sec connection in
> Cambodia. I have been trying to verify that, because I do not believe it
> is valid.
> I did iperf tests from a number of network locations, and at one point I
> did get 71mbit/sec (most of the results were around 20-25mbit/sec or
> less). But I dont think 30 second iperf tests are particularly revealing
> when the bandwith rate might change drastically over the day. I
> considered doing a 3 day iperf test, but somehow this seems not how the
> tool was designed.
> Someone suggested I find test files from various Asian locations to
> download via wget. I found a bunch of 100mb test files for various
> providers in N. America and Europe on webhostingtalk, which were
> interesting, but I never got more than around 5mbit/sec with them.
> Does anyone have any machines in Japan, S. Korea, or other asian
> locations with good bandwidth. where they can host a 100mbit file so I
> can attempt to download it to test this?
> Other suggestions for reliable tests would also be welcome! Please, dont
> suggest some flash garbage :)
> thanks!
> micah

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