Hello everyone

Just quick update - Yes it was issue with older version of Quagga + for
some strange reason things don't work unless I restart zebra after
restarting bgpd.

Thanks for help everyone. Really appreciate it.

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Vicky Shrestha <vi...@geeks.net.np> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On Aug 7, 2012, at 1:51 AM, Marco Hogewoning wrote:
> >> I am having trouble with Quagga in setting up IPv6 BGP. So far it was
> >> failing with external providers. Just now I gave it a try to setup BGP
> >> session (IPv6 only) within our ASN between two routers.
> >>
> >> From our other end router I see there is no acconcement, while I see
> blocks
> >> being announced via Quagga. Also strange enough is that the number of
> >> blocks I account - they all come as "withdrawl routes" on other router
> as
> >> soon as Quagga is turned on.
> >
> > I recall some issues with the value of the next-hop in the BGP messages
> in the past. Haven't been around Quagga in recent times, don't know if this
> is still the case. If possible you might want to catch a BGP packet with
> tcpdump and verify the value in there makes sense to the other side.
> >
> We were having those issue with quagga-0.99.15 and cisco routers; haven't
> tested recent versions.
> We used a route map to fix the ipv6 next hop for outbound announcements in
> quagga.
> > Got bitten by this before and took me ages to figure out the other side
> was dropping my updates because the next-hop couldn't be resolved.
> >
> > Marco
> Regards,
> Vicky Shrestha
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
> /y67GAUJo6Bc68Hpyma8BzNeYo/+YRarDbpz07dCFbzEHMiTrSLdN/CMVUWAkYxF
> +xCZeUvkiqXnKWlF030ypHorGZoKX4JyuAj6SeS9yP1NTHgP6E57Xa0lvZ+v61Gx
> Dml0o9JptNTctJ1cDeeWahRlgJx4yjfyUe0ZyIZAz9drZ4tgb3trC9cCHMNVV7Y=
> =jFdq


Anurag Bhatia
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