On Aug 23, 2012, at 08:26 , "Otis L. Surratt, Jr." <o...@ocosa.com> wrote:

> IMO the justifcation is probably in other areas of their business like cloud 
> services, data center, etc. 
> Obvisouly, it was compelling enough to warrant ARIN's approval for allocation 
> of the space in the last stretch of IPv4. All /16 and larger requests goes to 
> IPv4 review team anyway. 

Not quite...


Currently we are in phase 1.

The team review you mention does not start until we reach Phase 2 (3 /8s 
remaining). In Phase 1, it only requires senior analyst and/or department 
director approval.

I'll leave speculation as to what AT&T will do with the addresses to others.


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