On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 8:18 PM, Miles Fidelman
<mfidel...@meetinghouse.net> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I expect folks on NANOG would know:  Are there any domain registrars who
> provide APIs for managing domains and/or DNS records?  It's kind of a pain
> managing large numbers of domains via klunky web interfaces.  It sure would
> be nice to tie registry accounts into equipment inventory management
> systems.
> Thanks,
> Miles Fidelman
> --
> In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
> In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

Hexonet (http://hexonet.net) has quite an extensive API as far as I
can tell from their API manuals page available via the control panel.
I have personally not used it but have great praises about it from
other people.

Sadiq S
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