On Sep 17, 2012 5:04 AM, "Tom Limoncelli" <t...@whatexit.org> wrote:
> My biggest fear is that statements like this will take on a life of their
> " I can dual stack, then I am not out of IPv4 addresses, and thus I
> have no need for IPv6. If I'm out of IPv4 then I need IPv6 and I can't
> dual stack."  http://forum.ubnt.com/showthread.php?p=355722
> Not true but it certainly sounds logical to the average person.
> What creates this impression is that there is no "deadline".  The IPv4
> -> Dual Stack -> pure IPv6 transition is complex so everyone focuses
> on "IPv4 -> Dual Stack" forgetting that it is a transition step.  The
> final step seems so far off that people ignore it, and therefore the
> justification for the first step fades.
> (the remainder of this post is brainstorming; apply a grain of salt)
> There are ways to fix this.  For example there was a deadline for when
> Dual Stack was to go away, a "Dual Stack 10 year count-down" would
> drive the point home.  However nothing like this exists.
> This thread is making me think that I should change how I talk about
> IPv6 publicly.  I need to put more emphasis on DS as being a temporary
> thing.  It is in my mind but perhaps not in how I speak.

I tell folks that if ipv4 run-out is the problem in eyeball networks, then
DS cannot be the solution since it has the same problematic reliance on a
scarce ipv4 resource.

I spent a lot of time focusing on ipv6-only networking for mobile and in
many cases, thanks to world v6 launch and ipv6-only based access network
transition schemes (ds-lite, MAP, 464xlat) they can provide a solution for
eyeball networks that is one step away from ipv6-only. .... Instead of DS,
which is just one step beyond ipv4-only with a foggy road to getting off
scarce / expensive / broken ipv4

Content networks are a different beast that must be dual-stack to reach all
the eyeballs


> The problem with picking a 10-year or 5-year "campaign" is that
> underestimating the amount of time makes us look like "the sky is
> falling" and too long gives people a reason to procrastinate.
> Then again... I believe what will make the biggest # of people adopt
> IPv6 will be if they see everyone else adopting it.  That's why it is
> so important for IPv6 to be offered by default to all new ISP
> customers, that tech-savy enterprises need to deploy it, and so on.
> It is all about building a critical mass.
> Tom
> --
> Speaking at MacTech Conference 2012. http://mactech.com/conference";
> http://EverythingSysadmin.com  -- my blog
> http://www.TomOnTime.com -- my videos

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