On 9/17/2012 4:32 PM, John Levine wrote:
In article <caarzuotqwgpbw46+xb1ngmcn1yryttpygyymppxpqqug9k6...@mail.gmail.com> 
you write:
With current use cases at least, yes. What do we know of what's going to
happen in a decade or two?
In technology, not much.  But I'd be pretty surprised if the laws of
arithmetic were to change, or if we were to find it useful to assign
IP addresses to objects smaller than a single atom.

My current example of how bit IPv6 addresses are: my home LAN has a
tunneled IPv6 network, and the web server on my laptop has an IPv6
address.  Even though some of the stuff on the laptop is somewhat
confidential, I haven't bothered to use any passwords.  Why?  Because
guessing the random low 64 bits assigned to the web server (which are
not the auto generated address from the LAN card) is at least as hard
as any password scheme.

And so you never visit any websites from that laptop that might keep access logs either? You do know that lists of "active" IPv6 addresses are already not that hard to come by, and that'll just get more and more true over time, yes?

Matthew Kaufman

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